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  • Guy's Ambience Library

    There's been some recent talks about ambience noises in the orchestra hall, I decided to take this seriously and make my own library.

    I tried to capture as best I can the hall noises during an orchestra rehearsal. For this I attended several rehearsals, kept a watchful ear on any noise going on, the result is quite stunning.  As an example I'm using one of my own pieces, an excerpt of Sadness of Sauron.

    The first version which you should listen first is without the ambience noises, the 2nd is with the ambience noises.


    Without ambience:


    With ambience:

  • Yes, you're right.  That was"stunning."  Thanks for the laugh.[:)]

  • OH MY WORD that is hilarious!

    Guy you are a riot, and I can tell by your humor....

    toilets, farts, that you are indeed a professional musician, my kind of guy!



  • VERY good

  •  I especially like the subtle way this fits in with the music.  Excellent work, P. D. Q.

  • They sold like crazy! Out of stock , sorry.

  •  I like this kind of humor. Thank You for this, Guy!   [Y]

  • Humor?

  • Yes, what humor?    This ambience is a valuable addition to my latest recordings. I immediately ordered the complete library from Guy (which includes all kinds of juicy things not on this demo), and signed up for the next release - the 64 bit edition with close, middle and far mike positions.

  • Ha, you are not fooling me with this one Guy!

    This is obviously a REAL concert recording. The audience sound exactly like they did on my last concert when they played one of my pieces. Come to think of it, this is how the audience ALWAYS sound when an orchestra plays my music... Strange indeed.

    Nice try though.


  •  Albert, I wouldn't worry about that. In some societies these sounds indicate hearty approval.

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    @Albert S said:

    Ha, you are not fooling me with this one Guy!

    This is obviously a REAL concert recording. The audience sound exactly like they did on my last concert when they played one of my pieces. Come to think of it, this is how the audience ALWAYS sound when an orchestra plays my music... Strange indeed.

    Nice try though.


    So shall I take your order? Vol 1 is $19.99 + $75.00 shipping and handling.

  • That is so generous of you Guy.  I realize that these discs require very careful handling, and your charges reflect the concern you feel for all VSL users who wish to benefit from your exquisitely beautiful ambience library.  I feel your carefully excreted 24 bits will vastly improve many of the demos submitted here. 

  • William, thank you for understand what this is all about.  And BTW, you should be receiving your copy soon.

    I think Jay should consider integrating my ambient library to his Rite of Spring. Adding these disruptive noises, shouts, murmurs,

    whistles, farts, chairs moving, etc. will bring you right back to the opening night of this masterpiece. Now with my amazing Ambient Library you can relive the night of 1913 in your own living room! 

  • I just had some White Castle burgers, and I am reliving that night right now... 



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    @Guy said:

    I think Jay should consider integrating my ambient library to his Rite of Spring. Adding these disruptive noises, shouts, murmurs,

    whistles, farts, chairs moving, etc. will bring you right back to the opening night of this masterpiece. Now with my amazing Ambient Library you can relive the night of 1913 in your own living room! 


     Did you remember to record the sounds of an angry mob beating the composer with his own baton for offending their delicate Victorian sensibilities?


  •  It is amazing how that happened.  I saw an interview with Stravinski in which he said he told them all to go to hell. 

    Interesting how that could never happen today, because no one would notice.  They have no sensibilities to be offended.  We need people with those, so we can offend them.

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    @dpdan said:

    I just had some White Castle burgers, and I am reliving that night right now... 


    Oh dear Lord! I am scandalized!  How can we be serious? 

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on