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  • Noise bursts

    I edited the subject heading as I was not joking -

    is there a time scheduled for the bug fix to stop these noises?  What is the software version number?

    Also, is this a 64 bit Vista issue, or is it 32 bit Vista?  i am thinking of substituting a 32 bit computer if this continues, because the system cannot be used at all with this kind of problem.

  • "and suddenly VE2 emits the most horrific noise I have heard outside of a serial killer film!" you never actually  listen to your own compositions then..


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    @William said:

    I was just working for hours on an extremely detailed, quiet section for solo violin, thinking hard about the perfect arrangement of delicate dynamics, and did a simple octave transposition, moving the note upwards -

    and suddenly VE2 emits the most horrific noise I have heard outside of a serial killer film!  It scared the crap out of me.  I am now literally terrified to use it.  What is going on?  Is this going to be fixed and if so when?


      I experienced a similar problem with VE3.  Paul has informed me that VSL are aware of the problem and that it will be fixed in the next version of VE3 (and so probably VE2 as well).  I believe this version is being tested right now.



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    @ct1961 said:

    "and suddenly VE2 emits the most horrific noise I have heard outside of a serial killer film!" you never actually  listen to your own compositions then..

    Colin's been 2 hours since you first posted. You haven't replied.  You're not seriously doing an A/B comparison. Are you?

    I mean.....if a little bit of noise from VE2 scares the crap out of you..


  • OK then William..'re not rising to it. Only joking with you. How's work coming along on your symphony?


  • I edited the subject heading as I was not joking -

    is there a time scheduled for the bug fix to stop these noises?  What is the software version number?

    Also, is this a 64 bit Vista issue, or is it 32 bit Vista?  i am thinking of substituting a 32 bit computer if this continues, because the system cannot be used at all with this kind of problem.

  • William, my apologies if you didn't see the funny side.  Fell off the wagon with a bump and was a bit the worse for wear.                                     I shall alt-click my humour plugin and bypass it with immediate effect.

    Respectfully yours


  •  Sorry to be a pest about this but I am wondering if VSL knows when the correction for this problem will be available. 

  • Dear William,

    AFAIK the problem has been found and fixed already. The update will be released soon, but don't know the detailed schedule.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thanks for the update Dietz.  Glad to know this has been fixed!

  •  Thanks Dietz for the info.

  •  Hi,

    I'm not sure that the latest update (I'm using VE3.0.3388) has fixed the problem.

    I've had the odd noise burst now and again, which frightened the life out of me (figuratively speaking).

    I've now put a limiter on the master output while working, which saved my sanity, and my speakers when I had another noise burst yesterday.

    Until I pressed the reset button in my sequencer (Sonar) the roar was incredible.

    I'm using three machines networked together, and so am not sure if one particular machine is causing the problem.

    Thank you.

  • Hello AlistairL,

    v 3388 didn´t fix the problem, the next version, due to be released VERY soon, takes care of this annoying bug!

    Thanks for your patience!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL