Hi there,
This film I just finished the Director has upped the budget to allow a mixer to put everything in 5.1.
This is new to me so I was hoping someone could advise on a couple items:
1. I will provide 'stems' (strings, ww's, brass, etc.) to him. He has Altiverb XL (5.1), so I give him 24 bit / 48K stems (without any AV here)?
2. I am using SvK's (3 ER's and 3 tails on send/return template on Todd AO - which I love). The mixer said he could use those same instances. What is the best way to send him those settings? AV presets of each instance?
3. I am a little nervous of him having all that 'final mix' capability on my music. He is suppose to be real good. But any advice here of things I should tell him?
--any other advice would be appreciated. He did say if I wasn't happy with the first cue he did this way that I could just provide him with Stereo mixes like I have now (with my doing the AV) and he would wash just a little 5.1 IR over it (if I understood him correctly.)
Many thanks in advance for any help / advice you may have.