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  • looking for amazing choir library to compliment opus 1

    i have found 'voices of the aocalypse' but it is giga only and i am on exs in logic 7. no phrases needed just great multisample vowels with seemless movement to give as authentic effect as possible.

    any help would be much appreciated

  • Hey Chief,

    Your EXS can translate the Giga files into EXS format, so don't rule out VOTA. I have VOTA and Symphony of Voices (choral sounds junkie here) and they're very different. You can keyswitch vowel sounds in VOTA, but if you're looking for smooth/gentle evolving vowel sounds, Symphony of Voices has a few ah-ee-ohhh-type things. When you layer them, or use them in rounds, and add some of the phrases they've recorded, the result is beautiful. If you want to give a listen, I have a piece on my website that uses all Symphony of Voices samples; it's Audio Clip 5 here:

    Otherwise, search the forums on here because there have been a few threads about choral libraries. Happy hunting!


  • always a little concerned with giga/exs converting as sometimes basic key programming elements get lost, however it sounds so good i think i might give it a whirl.

  • I did have a problem converting the VOTA for some reason... it wouldn't unstuff. But the folks at Easwest just sent me a DVD the next day that had the already-converted/unstuffed files on it. The Symphony of Voices conversion was a piece-o-cake. [:P]

  • the second dvd they sent got all the programs working perfectly in the exs including mod filters and vowel switching, if so i presume i could ask for a copy when ordering. and whe you say the symphony of voices coneversion was easy did you convert from akai or roland cd?

    i really appreciate your help with this as you obviously know your choirs!



  • One thing to note about VOTA: On many of the samplings there are audible high frq notes (15-16KHz) most probably from CRT displays that were on at the sampling session. Some people dont notice these, but for some reason I am allergic to that kind of tones. IMHO they should not be found on a pro product (and I am very confident that they will never be found on a VSL sampling [:D] )
    I you have a 16KHz tone on a set of sampled notes and you play a 5 note chord, you might get a nasty sound...

  • I believe East West are going to release an Audio Unit (AU) for Voices of the Apocalypes II (VOTA II).

    I'm waiting for this to come out, and apparently its much better than the first.

    Regards, Max.

  • East West have a major new choir release coming up soon - check the Northern Sounds forum.

    I personally will be glad if the VSL stick to doing one thing - primarily orchestral instruments - excellently. As discussed on the "synthesised vs. sampled" thread, there are many more innovations waiting to be realised and I'm convinced Herb & his team will be at the forefront. [:)]


  • Ha! You bet! [6]


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • I bet Evan will not like all of it!
